Architektur - 08.06.2021 - 9 Kommentare © Omar Sayami Last CenturyIn der Kabuler Altstadt | Afghanistan Zeichen Setzen Deutschland 9 Kommentare A sad image.sherri it might be sad for us…we have too much stuff. Too much choice makes one miserable.Chris So dramatic image but a great shotc Amazing!!!! Wonderful street shot! :-)tetsu Bonjour, Nice street capture..Well done exposure..Bravo!jelb Der Titel trifft es wohl so ziemlich!Andreas Stunning documentary image, I like the perspective and the children, and you title makes me think… You have a wonderful blog, great stuff herePhototherapy … last millenium ;-))Joe The kids‘ expressions, somewhat surprised, are fantastic. Last Century… so… They are now adult men.Remus Schreibe einen Kommentar zu Remus Antwort verwerfen Δ
Stunning documentary image, I like the perspective and the children, and you title makes me think… You have a wonderful blog, great stuff herePhototherapy
The kids‘ expressions, somewhat surprised, are fantastic. Last Century… so… They are now adult men.Remus
A sad image.
it might be sad for us…we have too much stuff. Too much choice makes one miserable.
So dramatic image but a great shot
Wonderful street shot! :-)
Nice street capture..Well done exposure..Bravo!
Der Titel trifft es wohl so ziemlich!
Stunning documentary image, I like the perspective and the children, and you title makes me think…
You have a wonderful blog, great stuff here
… last millenium ;-))
The kids‘ expressions, somewhat surprised, are fantastic.
Last Century… so… They are now adult men.