Wasser - 09.02.2022 - 2 Kommentare © Omar Sayami Das Plätschern am EisenAbend am Anleger: Am Than Lwin Fluss in Hpa-An liegt ein Boot, dessen Funktion mir nicht klar ist. | Myanmar The Watch Wassergeld 2 Kommentare If this is a river with clams, it could be a boat to catch them. Since it’s like vacuum cleaners from the bottom of the river. And if so, it is not a very environmentally friendly fishing.The place is beautiful and with that light, even more.Remus Thx, this is a helpfull information, that might be possible. Kommentieren Antwort verwerfen Δ
If this is a river with clams, it could be a boat to catch them. Since it’s like vacuum cleaners from the bottom of the river. And if so, it is not a very environmentally friendly fishing.The place is beautiful and with that light, even more.Remus
If this is a river with clams, it could be a boat to catch them. Since it’s like vacuum cleaners from the bottom of the river. And if so, it is not a very environmentally friendly fishing.
The place is beautiful and with that light, even more.
Thx, this is a helpfull information, that might be possible.