Natur - 18.03.2014 - 2 Kommentare © Omar Sayami Walking on the MoonKüste bei Ash Shuwaymiyah – Like walking on the moon | Oman Leben am Irrawaddy Im Bienenkorb 2 Kommentare Maybe they were right. Maybe the moon landing never happened after all. NASA staged it in the deserts of Oman. hehehe.Kamal I like textures and composition. beanow Kommentieren Antwort verwerfen Δ
Maybe they were right. Maybe the moon landing never happened after all. NASA staged it in the deserts of Oman. hehehe.Kamal
Maybe they were right. Maybe the moon landing never happened after all. NASA staged it in the deserts of Oman. hehehe.
I like textures and composition.