Fishing boats Kappeln Schlei
© Omar Sayami

Fish & Ride

At the fishing port in Kappeln the fishermen are just ashore. Kappeln is one of the few still intact fishing ports on the east coast. From here, about a dozen main professional fishermen are on their way on cutters on the Baltic Sea. In addition to the large cutters, there is room in the harbour for part-time fishermen who fish the Schlei with their boats.

Medial View Art Ruin


  1. Heute ganz unexotisch, heimatlich, vertraut, alltäglich…
    …und doch wie fast gleiche Bilder aus Afghanistan, Myanmar, Laos, Oman, Ägypten :
    ein Ufer mit Booten + kurze Beschreibung der Lebensumstände der Eigner.
