Fish & Ride
At the fishing port in Kappeln the fishermen are just ashore. Kappeln is one of the few still intact fishing ports on the east coast. From here, about a dozen main professional fishermen are on their way on cutters on the Baltic Sea. In addition to the large cutters, there is room in the harbour for part-time fishermen who fish the Schlei with their boats.
Heute ganz unexotisch, heimatlich, vertraut, alltäglich…
…und doch wie fast gleiche Bilder aus Afghanistan, Myanmar, Laos, Oman, Ägypten :
ein Ufer mit Booten + kurze Beschreibung der Lebensumstände der Eigner.
For me, it is a photo that captivates my eyes, due to its colors and the somewhat melancholy light.