The Pirate's Nest
The result of a long exposure with full backlight leads to this result. 3 months ago it looked like this here - at the southern tip of Koh Lanta you can find this ornate pier into the ocean | Thailand
The result of a long exposure with full backlight leads to this result. 3 months ago it looked like this here - at the southern tip of Koh Lanta you can find this ornate pier into the ocean | Thailand
whoa … very cool pier !!!!!!
Vergleicht man beide Photos, so spricht aus meiner Sicht alles für die Langzeitbelichtung. Die blassen Farben, die leichte Unschärfe geben dem Photo etwas surreales; man meint auch, eine flirrende Hitze zu spüren. Gelungenes Experiment!
Gelungene Darstellung tropischer Stimmung.