night - 09.05.2022 - 8 Comments © Omar Sayami SomnambulismIn the Barrio Gotico in Barcelona at an advanced hour there is still a small street bar for a last nightcap. | Spain The future looks different! The glow of the klong 8 Comments Great light and atmosphere.Kamal Great night scene, the lighting and green tones create a mysterious mood in this excellent composition. Great work!John Absolutely perfect. The colors are exceptional and it's lit up so brightly it's almost like daytime.sherri Buen encuadre y perspectiva, como bien dice Kamal la luz del ambiente es muy llamativa, me encanta. Saludos.Alex enseguida reconocí el barrio gótico, muy buenajhcibils Wundervoll. Ich liebe solche Nachtaufnahmen.Gerald Barcelona has such a distinct alley vibe, I could tell where this was from just by seeing the thumbnail. Great capture.Adam A somewhat intriguing and even a little scary environment. In movies, it’s in environments like these that bad things happen. :-D :-D I loved the light play.Remus Comment Discard Reply Δ
Great night scene, the lighting and green tones create a mysterious mood in this excellent composition. Great work!John
Absolutely perfect. The colors are exceptional and it's lit up so brightly it's almost like daytime.sherri
Buen encuadre y perspectiva, como bien dice Kamal la luz del ambiente es muy llamativa, me encanta. Saludos.Alex
Barcelona has such a distinct alley vibe, I could tell where this was from just by seeing the thumbnail. Great capture.Adam
A somewhat intriguing and even a little scary environment. In movies, it’s in environments like these that bad things happen. :-D :-D I loved the light play.Remus
Great light and atmosphere.
Great night scene, the lighting and green tones create a mysterious mood in this excellent composition. Great work!
Absolutely perfect. The colors are exceptional and it's lit up so brightly it's almost like daytime.
Buen encuadre y perspectiva, como bien dice Kamal la luz del ambiente es muy llamativa, me encanta.
enseguida reconocí el barrio gótico, muy buena
Wundervoll. Ich liebe solche Nachtaufnahmen.
Barcelona has such a distinct alley vibe, I could tell where this was from just by seeing the thumbnail. Great capture.
A somewhat intriguing and even a little scary environment.
In movies, it’s in environments like these that bad things happen.
:-D :-D
I loved the light play.