Kabul North Taimani
© Omar Sayami

The Juggernaut

Blick vom Koh-e-Asamai, der höchsten Erhebung in Kabul, auf den nördlichen Teil der Hauptstadt. Kabul liegt auf 1807 Meter Höhe. Die Stadt ist mit rund 4,7 Millionen Einwohnern (Schätzung 2016) die größte Stadt Afghanistans und das ökonomische und kulturelle Zentrum des Landes.

Situated in the East of Afghanistan has grown strongly in recent years. It is among the largest cities in the world to place 64. In terms of population it is the world among the cities that grow the fastest, in fifth place. With over 3500 years of history, it is also one of the oldest continuously populated regions of the world.

All ministries as well as the seat of Government, the Parliament and the Supreme Court are in Kabul. Also, the majority of the banks. Companies and universities are here.

Winter Glass The Awakening of the Mountains


  1. Seen like this, it’s a grand city.
    I did not have this notion, but in Kabul lives almost the same number of people as half the population of Portugal. It really is a big city.

    Amazing scene. Amazing view. Amazing landscape.
