Route 307
The High Atlas in all its colours: On the route from Asghmou to Demnate, you cross the mountains over a spectacular pass and are rewarded with a bizarre landscape. | Morocco
The High Atlas in all its colours: On the route from Asghmou to Demnate, you cross the mountains over a spectacular pass and are rewarded with a bizarre landscape. | Morocco
Stunning views one is provided as they travel along this stretch! Great capture.
wie sich die Lansdschaften gleichen :
Gleiche Breitengrade
Höhenlagen konnte ich nicht mit Sicherheit ermitteln.
Vermutlich milderes Klima, weil viel näher am Meer + ggf. Auswirkungen Golfstrom?
ähnliche Gesteinsart?
Wer nichts fragt bleibt dumm !
Route 307 is on the list of the most dangerous routes in the world. Precipices, narrow passages, rocks falling from the mountains, landslides, many things can happen. But the landscape is breathtaking.