Robust Security Situation
Bridge in construction: Until completion you have to take this daring crossing in purchasing. Somewhere in the mountains of Badakhshan | Afghanistan
Bridge in construction: Until completion you have to take this daring crossing in purchasing. Somewhere in the mountains of Badakhshan | Afghanistan
An outstanding scene, very well captured. And an excellent composition built over the curve made by the road.
Quite the bridge you have captured here. Very good composition.
that's not an easy ride :)
nice. a good snapshot of daily life in afghanistan for sure.
Das ist doch bestimmt ein Leihwagen.
(bewundernder) Kalauer :
a terribly nice way ;-)
Frage :
ist das eine Antenne vorn am Auto ? GPS ?
Das ist die Funkantenne, ganz starker Funk, Pflicht an jedem Einsatzfahrzeug der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.