Mrs. Tar, Mrs. Chai, Mrs. Yen Restaurants Laos Sop Lao
© Omar Sayami

Restaurant Chain

riginal restaurant names: Four quarrelling sisters have opened restaurants in Sop Lao, that's not true, it was just my association when I first saw it. In any case, the signs seemed more expensive than anything else in the restaurants. The sponsor, the brewery, didn't let themselves get carried away. But they weren't particularly creative. | Laos

The other season Chill Room


  1. Stilbruch! ;-))
    Erinnert an die neuen knallroten Cola-Schilder auf alten Backsteinhäusern in grauen Dörfern.
    Damals. Im Osten. 1991.
    gebraut aus Jasminreis mit Malz aus Frankreich und Hopfen aus D
    von Braumeistern, die ihr Handwerk in der DDR gelernt haben (zusammengesurftes Wissen).
    Soll lecker sein.
