Child labour Char Gul Tepa Afghanistan
© Omar Sayami

Small hands

Collecting fresh grass for the animals on the farm in the village of Char Gul Tepa is part of everyday life for many families. What at first glance appears to be a harmless activity reveals a deeper problem: even children are put to work at a young age in order to contribute to the family's livelihood. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, especially in rural areas where poverty and a lack of educational opportunities prevail. Children often have little time or opportunity for schooling as they have to learn early on to take responsibility in the fields and in the household. Children's labour thus becomes an indispensable pillar of the family business. | Afghanistan

Come in - Come out What happens next?


  1. sehr schlimm, nicht nur in Afghanistan, weltweit
    D Mitte 19.Jhd. : Kinderarbeit normal, Schwabenkinder
    auch in Fabriken, auch unter Tage, auch unter 9 Jahren.
    D 1960 Bundesjugendarbeitsschutzgesetz West 01.10.60
    Protest von Gewerbe und Landwirtschaft.
    D heute : Kindergeld, kostenloser Schulbesuch, Lernmittelfreiheit
    Import-Schnick-Schnack, Teppiche von Kinderhand zu erschwinglichen Preisen
    Buchtitel : Entrümpeln leicht gemacht, Minimalismus macht glücklich
    krude Welt
    Nachdenk-Bild (leicht unscharf ;-)))
