Stones in the Sand

Balkh Province: On the outskirts of Kholm is Bagh-e-Jahan Nama, a complex with a large garden and a monumental palace building.

Jahan-Nama-Palace Garten Kholm Afghanistan

The Bagh-e-Jahan Nama Palace was built between 1890 and 1892 by Amir Abdur Rahman. It was then further restored and renovated by President Daoud Khan between 1974 and 1976 to turn it into a museum. However, an earthquake in 1976 caused severe damage to the structure, and the civil war years led to further damage and neglect of the palace. In 2007, a project was launched to transform the palace into an ethnographic museum.

Bagh Jahan-Nama-Palace Kholm

The gardens were also redesigned and planted in such a way that they represent biological diversity. As a result, the gardens have once again become a meeting place for the local population and an attractive picnic spot. There are now over 80 different native tree species to be seen in the garden. Unfortunately, the gardens were closed during my trip and I didn't have the opportunity to go inside. | Afghanistan

Winter Jazz The lights out
