Dorf - 23.10.2015 - 2 Kommentare © Omar Sayami Dorf Land FlußDorf in der Provinz Baghlan am Kunduz River | Afghanistan Ziegenhof Pampa Nord Nord Nördlicher 2 Kommentare Augenweide :-)b I associate Afghanistan to a war zone. Where everything is destroyed. But after all, I’m completely wrong. There are oasis of peace and serenity. Remus Kommentieren Antwort verwerfen Δ
I associate Afghanistan to a war zone. Where everything is destroyed. But after all, I’m completely wrong. There are oasis of peace and serenity. Remus
Augenweide :-)
I associate Afghanistan to a war zone. Where everything is destroyed. But after all, I’m completely wrong. There are oasis of peace and serenity.