Basar - 31.01.2018 - 1 Kommentar © Omar Sayami Ringe für ein BrotEin Goldschmied verkauft am Kabul Fluss Ringe und bearbeitet sie vor Ort | Afghanistan Wellen Rasen Energie Werk 1 Kommentare Given the number of rings, I would say it is a very successful piece. I do not like to use anything on my hands. Neither the clock I use the wrist. :-DRemus Kommentieren Antwort verwerfen Δ
Given the number of rings, I would say it is a very successful piece. I do not like to use anything on my hands. Neither the clock I use the wrist. :-DRemus
Given the number of rings, I would say it is a very successful piece.
I do not like to use anything on my hands. Neither the clock I use the wrist.