Architektur - 02.02.2017 - 2 Kommentare © Omar Sayami Aufgang in GoldIm Treppenhaus des Hamburger Rathauses. Hier sieht man den Aufgang zum Festsaal des pompösen GebäudesBaukunst - Glas - Gold - Hamburg Tage der Kunst La Carretera 2 Kommentare That is such a beautiful window.Michael Perfect light control. In terms of composition, I would like the photograph to be more centered/symmetrical.Remus Kommentieren Antwort verwerfen Δ
Perfect light control. In terms of composition, I would like the photograph to be more centered/symmetrical.Remus
That is such a beautiful window.
Perfect light control.
In terms of composition, I would like the photograph to be more centered/symmetrical.